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NPA Annual Conference 2020: Innovation for Smart and Resilient Communities

NPA Annual Conference 2020 fer fram miðvikudaginn 23. september kl 10:00 - 14:30. Þemað í ár er Innovation for Smart and Resilient Communities. Fundurinn í ár er rafrænn og því eru engar fjöldatakmarkanir. Hér má sjá frekari upplýsingar um viðburðinn og skráning fer fram hér.


10:00 - 11:10  Plenary session

Welcome address and conference opening
“A multi-scientific approach towards innovation and creating new success stories”
Dr. Arto Maaninen, Vice-Rector for Cooperation at the University of Oulu, Finland

Innovation in the Northern Periphery and Arctic 
Ms Kirsti Mijnhijmer, Head of Secretariat, Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme

Promoting resilience in turbulent times – University of Oulu Micro-entrepreneurship Centre of Excellence MicroENTRE
Professor Matti Muhos, Director Kerttu Saalasti Institute, University of Oulu Finland

The Oulu Innovation Alliance and scalable solutions 
Mr Juha Ala-Mursula, Executive Director of Economic Development at BusinessOulu, City of Oulu

11:10 - 11:30  Experience from the NPA projects

SYMBIOMA “Resource-efficient, innovative products and services for developing the circular economy”
Dr Tech. Egidija Rainosalo, R&D Coordinator at Centria University of Applied Sciences in Kokkola, Finland

EMERGREEN “New innovative models for participative, user-centred, quality and sustainable public services aiming greener communities in remote areas.”
Dr Margaret Quinn, Programme Manager at ERNACT, Ireland

11:35 - 11:45  A helicopter view

Linking innovation and resilience: Synergy effects for regional development
Dr Anna Lundgren, Senior Research Fellow, Nordregio , Sweden

11:45 - 12:10  Question and Answer session

Please submit your questions via facebook and twitter using the hashtag #NPA2020Oulu. 
Or send your questions via email to secretariat@interreg-npa.eu

12:10 - 12:30  Break

12:30 - 13:45  Parallel Breakout session 

1.Towards resilient communities
How can communities become more aware and better prepared to react toshocks such as those coming from climate change, economic or health crisis?Lessons from the NOKIA case and the current COVID-19 health crisis.

Chair: Prof. Joan Condell, Ulster University, Northern Ireland
Prof. Ragnheiður Þórarinsdóttir
, The Agricultural University of Iceland,Lead Partner of NPA project COAST, Iceland
Prof. Peter Sköld, Executive director, Arctic Research Centre at UmeåUniversity, Sweden

2.Smart specialization strategies
Implementing smart specialisation across the NPA, from the Atlantic to the Arctic.

Chair: Ms Lesley Gray, Desk Officer for the Nordics, Scottish Government
Mr. David Minton
, Director, Northern and Western Regional Assembly, Ireland
Mr. Ilari Havukainen, Project Manager Arctic Smartness Portfolio, Regional Council of Lapland, Finland

3. Innovation in the bio-based industry
NPA projects innovating in the use of biological resources, the cases of sea weed,barley and…food wastes. What are the business potentials? And what are theopportunities?

Chair: Mr Rob Clarke, Head of Policy, Highlands and Islands Enterprise, Scotland
Andrew MacKenzie
, Lead partner SW GROW, Lewis Castle college, UHI,Scotland
Berta Danielsdottir (DISRUPTAQUA) CEO, Iceland Ocean Cluster, Iceland
Dr. Peter Martin (CEREAL) Director, Agronomy Institute, Orkney CollegeUHI, , Scotland

4. A greener NPA
What can transnational cooperation do for a greener NPA? Where can NPAprojects impact the most and how?

Chair: Ms. Linda Stewart, Director of European and International Development, University of the Highlands and Islands
Nicholas Gubbins
, Chief Executive, Community Energy Scotland
Ms. Marta Rongved Dixon, (NPA project ASCENT) Senior adviser tourism,Department for Innvoation and economic development, Section fornatural resources, agriculture and tourism Vestland County Council,Norway
Dr. Neil James, (NPA Projects CIRCULAR OCEAN and BLUE CIRCULARECONOMY) Researh Fellow, Environmental Research Institute, UHIScotland

13:45 - 14:00  Feedback from the breakout sessions
                       The rapporteurs will share the key messages and suggestions for the future NPA 2021-2027 from each session.

14:00 - 14:30  NPA Programme results and outlook

The NPA 2014-2020 project results & achievement
Ms. Lucia Brhlikova, Project Officer, Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme

State of the art of the NPA 2021-2027
Ms. Kirsti Mijnhijmer, Head of Secretariat, Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme

Q&A session

Wrap up and closure


Til baka


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Skráning á póstlista

  • Byggðastofnun  |  Sauðármýri 2  |  550 Sauðárkrókur 
  • Sími 455-5400
  • postur@byggdastofnun.is
  • Opið frá kl. 8:30-12:00 & 13:00-16:00  | kt. 450679-0389